Diabetes Complication that May Happen to Diabetics

Posted: Sunday, October 16, 2011 by cahyo in

Diabetes is a disease that can cause complications than most other diseases. High blood sugar levels can cause damage to blood vessels, nerves, and other internal structures. It also can lead to thickening of blood vessel walls. This thickening will result in reduced blood flow primarily to the skin and nerves.
High blood sugar levels can also cause increased fat levels in the blood, thus causing atherosclerosis or the accumulation of fatty plaques in blood vessels.

Diabetics have 2-6 times the risk of having atherosclerosis than people who have normal blood sugar levels.

Poor circulation can damage various organs. Poor circulation in small blood vessels (micro) can cause damage to the eyes, kidneys, nerves and skin, and slow healing of wounds.

Meanwhile, poor circulation through large blood vessels (macro) can injure the brain, heart, and veins of the legs (makroangiopati).

Without proper diabetic diet, complications may come sooner than you think. Here are five complications that may arise due to diabetes:

1. Kidney Failure

One of the complications of diabetes is that it can cause kidney failure, so patients must undergo regular dialysis.

2. Retinopathy

Damage to blood vessels of the eye can lead to diabetic retinopathy or visual impairment due to damage to the retina of the eye.

3. Neuropathy

Another complication of diabetes is the occurrence of diabetic neuropathy or nerve disorders. Disturbances in the nerves can occur in several forms.

Arm or leg may suddenly become difficult to move, if one abnormal nerve function or known as mononeuropathy.

Polyneuropathy diabetic nerve damage that occurs in the arms and legs, among others, characterized by tingling or burning pain as well as hard-driven.

Damage to the nerves causing the patient susceptible to injury because it can sense changes in pressure and temperature.

4. Amputation risk

Decreased blood flow to the skin can also cause sores that cause ulcers difficult to heal (ulcers).

Severe and infected ulcers can lead to amputation of limbs, the condition is more common in the legs.

5. Heart Attack & Stroke

Finally, complications should also be aware of and can be fatal are heart attacks and strokes.
